Friday, February 21, 2014

3rd Draft Of Leap of Faith Is Now Done

Today I completed the third draft of Leap of Faith, my fourth novel, and ordered a couple of paper copies so Vicki and I can see what it looks like in printed form.  I'll be unveiling its lovely cover shortly as well as the back cover blurb that will give everyone at least a sense of what the story's about.

This latest version includes all of the edits and feedback that I received from editor Ernesto over the past several weeks as well as changes that Vicki suggested from her second full pass of the manuscript.  Ernesto succinctly summed up his assessment of Leap of Faith as "Great story, great twists, interesting characters."  I can't add much to that!

I'll be sending out my usual pre-order email about the book within the next week or two.  As this story is longer than my usual fare, it's naturally going to be a more expensive book to produce.  Not to worry: I'll be sticking to my usual $20 price tag, as that's just the easiest figure for all concerned.  Which means, of course, that my profit per book will be correspondingly less this time around, making it even more important that people let me know if they want a copy ahead of time.  The initial order is always the largest and therefore my best opportunity to save a little money by upping the quantity ordered and receiving a bigger discount.

Also of interest to some of you out there: the launch party for Leap of Faith is looking likely to happen on Sunday, April 13th, although that date's not 100% just yet.  Once we've firmed that up, I'll let everyone know for sure. A big turnout at the party always starts things off on the right foot, so hopefully we'll get a good crowd this year.

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