Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Holmes On Holmes

I'm very excited at the fact that we recently purchased the DVD box set of The Complete Sherlock Holmes. This is the British, Granada TV series starring Jeremy Brett as Holmes and Edward Hardwicke as Dr Watson, of which there were apparently 41 entries (including a few that were movie-length, such as "The Hound of the Baskervilles", my all-time favourite Holmes tale). Vicki and I have seen and enjoyed most, if not all of these wonderful adaptations over the years on TV thanks to PBS, but having them all in one bundle such that we can sit back and go through them in order over the next several months is an absolute delight.

It'd be great if the Robert Downey, Jr Sherlock Holmes movie due out this winter turns out to be top-notch, but for me, the late Jeremy Brett will always be the Great Detective. His performance was simply note-perfect, every episode.

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