Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Under The Weather

I've had a nasty, debilitating chest cold since Friday night, which is why the updates here have been even less abundant than usual. I had thought I was over it yesterday - so much so that I even walked to the mall with Vicki and then went for a 2-hour walk with Julie - but I'm feeling crappy again today, so maybe I jumped the gun a little (Vicki suspected as much, and was right, as usual).

Over this stretch, I've been reading The Shock Doctrine, by Naomi Klein (a Christmas gift from Tammy), and will soon have finished its 560 pages of goodness. I can't remember the last time I read such a long book in so short a time... but being laid up for a few days will do that for you, I guess!


Tammy said...

Glad to hear here (and via text) that you're still liking it!

Tammy said...

Are you feeling any better yet?? Your blog output has not increased much, so I'm guessing perhaps not. Ryan has had the flu since Tuesday too - if I still lived at home I'd say my chances of catching it would be good! So far still healthy, fingers crossed ... driving to Ottawa today!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Still haven't gotten rid of the sore throat/chest congestion combo effect, though I'm feeling better in general (thanks for asking). It's now been about 9 days since it started, so this is turning into quite the cold. I'll be glad when I see the last of it, but right now that feels like it'll happen in about April! :-(

Unknown said...

I read the Shock Doctrine a couple years ago and I couldn't put it down. it kept me up for hours at night while I was reading it. I was amazed and saddened by that book. I had no idea what was going on in the world around us. I know it's a likely biased point of view, but still, it seems a quite reasonable and well constructed argument for its underlying premise. Anyway I'd love to see a review if you've completed it.

Unknown said...

I read this a couple years ago. I was completed awed by this book. I'd love to see a review from you if you've finished with it. I thought the argument was likely biased but nonetheless incredibly well constructed and articulated.