Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy 25th To Tammy!

It's a bit of a screwy 25th birthday for her, seeing as she just this month relocated to Australia and so we're all still adjusting to that fact. She doesn't even have internet access at home yet, as far as I can tell, which prevented us from having a Skype call with her on this historic occasion. And the 16-hour time difference between here and there doesn't exactly help, either!

But none of that really matters. What's important is that our 'little girl' is now a quarter of a century old, and boy, has time ever flown for that to be true! Hopefully she had a great day (it's already well into the day after her birthday where she is) and I'm sure the fact that it was her first birthday in a strange land will guarantee that she'll always remember it.

Happy 25th birthday, Tamara Holly Driscoll!!

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