Friday, January 19, 2007

The World's Most Overwrought Show?

I used to think it was Little House on the Prairie or Touched by an Angel, but I think the torch has definitely been passed to Grey's Anatomy now! My God, what lengths the writers go to in order to put their characters into unbelievable situations that are supposed to tug at our heartstrings. Of late, it's even fallen into the Friends pattern-of-desperation: generating plots by combining and re-combining the various cast members into every possible couple, because, you know, that's so interesting (actually, not). I thought it was bad when it was just a re-tread of the old Sam-and-Diane "now they're together, now they're apart" merry-go-round involving the two leads, but this appears to be the new schtick. The only thing that surprises me more than how contrived the plotlines have become is how many people seem to be lapping it up with a spoon - including Vicki and Tammy! Maybe it's a female thing, although they're usually more discerning.

I've recently noticed that the show's soundtrack, with its sappy "now it's time to feel sad" turns, has really gotten annoying. I recall the first couple episodes had some pretty good music in them but those days are long gone, I guess.

It's a show that makes for great, ignorable background noise while I'm blogging. Well, except for the occasional snort it elicits from me when the improbability amplifier gets cranked up to 11 (and that's a PopCultRef now, isn't it?).

If you're a fan, more power to you! But it certainly makes Lost and Heroes look like Shakespeare by comparison!

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