Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A New Distraction

A friend of Vicki's lent us a DVD series called Long Way Round, which is an episodic documentary of actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman embarking on a 20,000 mile motorcycle trip "round the world." We're only 4 episodes in at the moment, but it's been excellent so far! McGregor and Boorman complement each other beautifully, and the result is a very entertaining mix of humour and awe as they ride around and see parts of the world that most of us never will (or even want to!) For example: despite starring in 3 Star Wars movies, Ewan seems almost incapable of filling his bike up with gas without spraying the damn stuff in his eyes! And the two mates' commentary as they get invited to stay in strangers' house after strangers' house is worth the time invested alone!

I just noticed that the series has an IMDB rating of 9.3/10 (over about 2000 votes) and I'd certainly concur! If you ever get a chance to watch Long Way Round, I'd recommend that you take it.

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