Friday, April 30, 2010

Start Counting The Days

Well, we finally got an official release date for the next Batman film this week: July 20, 2012 (that's before the world ends, according to Mayan legend, right?).

I loved Batman Begins when I saw it for the first time, but wondered afterward if perhaps my adulation was as much an expression of relief after the travesty of Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever and Batman and Robin as it was a reflection of Chris Nolan's mastery of the subject matter. Then I watched it a second time, and eventually a third time, and realized it really is a wonderful film.

Then I saw The Dark Knight and wondered how any superhero movie could ever top it! It was as perfect a creation as I'd ever seen in the genre, and still has no competition in that regard. If they'd expanded the Best Picture category of the Oscars one year earlier, it would surely have been one of the ten.

Because of that, I'm all a-quiver at the thought of another Nolan Bat-flick. Maybe it won't live up to it, but on the other hand I would never have believed The Dark Knight could ever improve on its predecessor to the extent that it did... and yet it did! So who knows?

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Before the world ends.....yes you'll get to see the movie.