Thursday, April 08, 2010

That's One Bad Sentence, Mister!

I think the standards of good editing have fallen so far nowadays that I barely even register it when sentences on the Internet have a mistake in them. Instead, my radar has apparently been forcibly downgraded to the point where it takes at least two boo-boo's before I'm thrown out of the reading. I've seen a few examples of that happening already this morning, in fact.

The winner of the day so far, though, has to be this little gem that should never have been blessed with life:

"Hey, readers, check out this animated short film that depicts what would happen if the 8-bit characters of our youth (well, my youth anyways) and decide to maleviolently wrecks havoc on our New York City…and then, THE WORLD!"

Note that the author doesn't just completely forget how he started his sentence ("... what would happen if the 8-bit characters of our youth...") by the time he returns from a short parenthetical thought with "... and decide to...", which is something I've blogged about before. No, he then continues proudly onward, misspelling "malevolently" and using "wrecks havoc" when he meant "wreak havoc" (note that both the word and the form are wrong). All of that wrongness, wrapped up together in one single sentence! That's some fine writing, I have to say.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Wow...that was amazingly bad. Almost nonsensical.