Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Book Club Built For Two

Tammy and I decided tonight, via Instant Messenger, that we're going to form our own mini book club - just the two of us! I'm not sure whether two people can really constitute a "club", but to hell with that concern: we're just gonna do it.

Our first, unofficial book was Man Booker Prize-winner The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes, which we spent an hour or so discussing this evening. Tammy found it via some targeted Internet searching, and then promptly ordered me a copy through Amazon without even telling me it was coming! We both really enjoyed it, for some of the same reasons and some different ones. It's the kind of story that leaves you with lots of questions that you actually want to think and talk about some more after you finish it.

I've never been a book club member before, and maybe I'm still not (technically)... but regardless, this sounds like a lot of fun to me!

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