Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yesterday Was Networking Day

I'm not sure why, but yesterday seemed to be all about getting back in touch with people from my past.

First I heard from one former co-worker who's now in New Zealand, which subsequently prompted me to send an e-mail to another friend of a friend, now living in NZ, to see how he was doing.

Next, I got a LinkedIn connection request, and that started a whole viral effect, with me sending connection requests out to other names from my past, who in turn provided further connection opportunities for me and additional connection requests.

As if that weren't enough, I also got an e-mail that reminded me that, were I to have any desire to propose a session for this summer's Agile 2009 Conference in Chicago, then I should get that proposal in tout de suite as the deadline is fast approaching. (I wrote something up and submitted it this morning, despite not being entirely sure that I could actually swing going to the conference even if I were accepted as a presenter! Details!)

All of which means that I probably re-connected with more people in the last 30 hours or so than I had in the previous month and a half! Go figure.

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