Tuesday, April 06, 2010

"That Can't Be Good!"

That was my thought as a small piece of tooth about half the size of a Tic Tac fell out of my mouth and rattled around in the sink this morning while I was flossing. It came flying out as I pulled the floss up and out from between two of my front, bottom teeth. The fact that it didn't hurt (and so far, still doesn't) makes me think that the tooth in question had been cracked prior to this unsettling incident. I'd told my dentist, back in Jan or Feb when I last saw him, that I believed there was a crack in that part of my mouth because I occasionally experience pain when biting down on hard substances thereabouts. This would seem to be a confirmation of that theory despite him not being able to spot one then.

Anyway, I now have an appointment next Monday morning to see the dentist and discover what - if anything - he can do about it.


Anonymous said...

Ummmm OWWW!!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Actually, there's been no pain so far, unless you count just how raw one part of my tongue has gotten from running over that rough spot on the edge of the tooth for the past couple days. This is another reason that makes me think the tooth had already been cracked (and for awhile), as I think the damage had been done awhile ago and this was just the enamel coming free (not breaking).

sue g said...

I have had this twice. EAch time it was a vertical crack top to bottom causing 1/3 of the tooth to split and fall out. Amazingly, the fix is easy-peasy. They bond some incredible material to the remaining tooth, put what sounds like a hair dryer to it and you are good to go. Can chew on anything right away. Tooth looks white and purdy!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Sue, what would I do without your real-world experiences at times like this? Frankly, I hope I never have to find out!