Monday, May 03, 2010

Halo: Reach Multiplayer Beta Arrives (Sort Of)

Monday May 3rd has been marked on many XBox 360 owners' calendars for months now. Today is the day that the Halo: Reach multiplayer public beta begins, open to anyone who owns a copy of Halo: ODST. I'm not among the super-fanatic followers of the Halo franchise, but I've certainly gotten my fair share of enjoyment out of several of the games (ODST, I must say, was underwhelming). Because of that, I'm busy downloading the beta onto my machine right now.

In the video promoting this beta, the Microsoft representative talks about how important this step is to them, as they'll analyze the stats generated by our online play in order to fine tune the game before it ships for real. I hope that's more than just spin, as that sort of thing can make the difference between an OK game and one that's absolutely addictive. We'll see how close Halo: Reach comes to the current benchmark of such matters, which has to be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Download's now complete, but my first attempt at playing has resulted in a never-ending "Loading..." screen that says "Playlist data pending download..." Not off to a great start so far, MS!

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