Monday, December 27, 2010

One Christmas Delayed

Tonight was supposed to be our Christmas with Julie, as the three of us were to enjoy dinner together, exchange some gifts and watch 49 Up, the final (so far) installment in the Up series. Like just about all of our December plans this year, however, things were destined not to follow the script.

Julie, who in her mid-30s has bragged to me that she's never had the flu, came down with none other than a nasty influenza bug early this morning! A few other members of her family are similarly afflicted, but for once it got her in its sights, as well, and did a real number on her usually-sturdy frame. Vomit counts have already reached double digits, apparently. Poor kid!

Considering how long it took to find a night for 49 Up that fit Julie's busy, busy schedule (7 weeks and counting), maybe we're just not meant to see it together?

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