Thursday, October 14, 2010

Calling All Star Wars Fans

I know there are some die-hard Star Wars fanatics among my readership, as there probably are among just about any cross-section of 30- to 50-somethings these days. While I'm not as into Lucas' double-trilogy as some of my peers, I still enjoyed them enough to engage in multiple viewings of each and every episode over the years. I also got a big kick, several years ago, out of seeing one of the inspirations for Episode IV: A New Hope: the Akira Kurasawa film from 1958 entitled Hidden Fortress. Anyone at all familiar with Star Wars should immediately see parallels between the two movies, in terms of overall storyline, film-making style and even some of the characters.

So why am I bringing this bit of trivia up now? Well, with the arrival of Netflix into Canada, many of us have signed up for the service in order to stream movies and TV shows on our PS/3, iPad, Mac or whatever. As luck would have it, Hidden Fortress is one of several Kurasawa classics currently available on Netflix. Therefore, I can't see any reason why a Star Wars fan wouldn't want to set aside a few hours to watch - at no additional cost or inconvenience - one of the primary sources for that pop culture phenomenon. Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

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