Monday, February 11, 2013

Our Final Few Hours In Melbourne

We're less than 12 hours away from our 4:15 wake-up call, after which it's go-go-go from Melbourne to Sydney to L.A. to Detroit and then eventually home, thanks to brother Rich and his chauffermobile.  That's roughly 30 hours of travel to get through, once again.  It's been a fantastic trip and visit with Tammy and Ryan, and they've been outstanding hosts to us both, but I'm definitely ready to get home and see Jonesy and Emma after a 3-week absence.

Tammy and I did our final "daily workout" this morning, riding the bikes down to the river that runs through downtown (aka "The City"). 

Tammy missed about a week of exercise, thanks to the flu, but I managed to only miss about 4 days out of the 19 we were here.  At one point I was 5 pounds lighter than I'd arrived at, but our weekend driving tour, which featured way too much food and sitting in the car, undid most of that.  I may end up being down a couple pounds or so, which isn't bad for being away for 3 weeks and eating lots of big meals.

Anyway, this should be my final blog post from Melbourne, if all goes well tomorrow. 

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