Wednesday, July 01, 2009

They (Finally Get To) Call Him "Senator Franken"!

For those who missed the news earlier this week, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Al Franken won the Senate race against Republican Norm Coleman held last November 4th (which I mentioned briefly way, way back in December!)

I've known of Al Franken for most of my life, since I first encountered him as part of the comedy duo, "Franken and Davis," back in the 70s. He was a mainstay on Saturday Night Live for years, and also gained a lot of notoriety when he published the book, Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Liar, in the late 90s. Since the big, fat liar is in the news as much today as ever - including hoping that the leader of his country fails - it's especially sweet to see Mr Franken go to Washington. I'm sure he'll have to dial back on the humour somewhat in this new role, but it should still be an interesting ride!

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