Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Glad I Don't Live There

Today I was reading a commentary on the Health Care Reform "debate" going on in the States right now, and I found myself getting quite worked up about it.

And then suddenly I remembered: I don't live there! I already have universal health care coverage, and have used it many times over the past several years, with no financial hardship whatsoever. I go for an annual physical every spring, and I don't worry about the cost of the blood tests that are performed or the chest x-rays / heart monitoring that I'm occasionally told to have done. Sure, those things often chew up half an hour or more of my time when I have to do them, but the preventative benefit surely outweighs the small inconveniences I suffer.

So the bottom line, I guess, is this: I'm sure glad that I don't actually live in America and really need to worry about how Health Care Reform shakes out. It doesn't mean I don't care (I do); it just means that I'm happy not to have actual skin in that particular game of craps.

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