Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Old Boss Gets New Lease On Life

OK, perhaps that title is just a bit on the hyperbolic side, but I'm really and truly happy to see how well my previous boss (and current friend), the VP of Engineering who had installed me as his Agile Manager three and a half years ago, is doing now that he's moved on to a much better job. Gone are many of the ridiculous external pressures and conflicting messages that characterized our previous existence together, replaced by an atmosphere of true empowerment and vision-setting that he's largely responsible for creating. He now exudes a lot more confidence and enthusiasm than I'd seen out of him in a few years and that's a terrific change.

We had a ninety minute coffee break together yesterday and probably could have easily talked for twice that long, had I not had a tutoring session to get to. Even just the fact that we could enjoy an hour and a half without being interrupted by a Blackberry buzzing or an emergency meeting being called shows how different his new environment is from the one we last worked together in. The joy of simply discussing ideas and comparing notes (mostly around Agile, in this case) is something that you unfortunately forget can even happen once you allow yourself to get trapped in a Crisis Mode work culture... as we both had, for awhile anyway.

I like it when good people get out of bad jobs and into ones that better suit them, and it's just too bad that more don't.

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