Saturday, November 26, 2011

Evolution Shouldn't Need Defending

It's a crying shame that videos like this "Let's Talk About Evolution" piece even need to be produced, but they do. In it, female scientists and science journalists explain why understanding evolution is so important to Science, and why it should be taught in schools. How can these statements even be in doubt, a decade into the 21st century? I'd say it boils down to a combination of willful religious ignorance (among some, but certainly not all devout believers across many faiths) and stubborn human pride.

On that latter aspect, I can sympathize at least a little: the more I learn about evolution, the more humbling it really is. To go from believing that we're made in God's image and placed at the centre of the universe to understanding that we're the result of billions of years of chance (albeit advantageous) genetic mutations and exist as an almost infinitely small dot against the backdrop of a universe so vast as to boggle our imagination... I suspect that's simply too bitter a pill for some to swallow. The thing about the truth, though, is that it's true, whether you believe it or not.

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