Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In Happier News

I sat down on Friday afternoon, last week, and just started writing the next novel. Julie and I've talked about it enough by this point that I definitely know how it starts, but not a whole lot more than that. So I thought I might as well see if I could put some of what we've discussed into written form, and before I knew it I had more than 2 pages written.

When Julie was over on Saturday night (for yet another stay-up-talking-until-nearly-dawn visit that she's known for in our household), I read the 2.5 pages to her and Vicki, just to gauge their reaction and also to hear the words myself. Both seemed to really like it, with Julie even giving me a high-five and a loud cheer when I finished. So that's good.

I'm actually kind of excited to be writing again.

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