Tuesday, June 10, 2008

You Know You Check The Radar Too Much When...

OK, so here's the scene:

I'm at work, on a day when I biked, despite heavy rain in the early hours and a very overcast sky as I headed into work. A close-by teammate, who's taken up biking to work recently, had opted not to bike to work today. Late in the afternoon, I felt the need to jab said teammate just a little, so I said, "Hey, look, the sun's shining!" to him. Another teammate situated close to us both, who thinks that I check the radar site too often, responded, without looking my way, with, "Did you realize the sun was shining by looking out the window, or are you checking the radar site for that?"

and I realized that I was checking the radar site!!!

Yes, I'd looked out the window initially, but had then habitually brought up the radar website just as I let fly my little verbal jab... This goes right along with Tammy laughing at me recently because I checked the radar before the three of us walked to the mall!


Anonymous said...

The mall that is a 10 min walk from our house, which we would be shopping at for about 5 mins, and which we headed out for at a peak sunny time of the day.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

That mall, yes.