Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Opposite Of Boneman's "Affliction"

Boneman, if I remember correctly, suffers from "blue-green colour blindness", which I believe means that he can't easily distinguish between some shades of blue and green. (Or maybe I have that completely wrong!)

Anyway, this little optical illusion provides the inverse of that condition, causing the viewer to perceive a difference where none actually exists. Personally, I found it quite interesting. I did notice, however, that if I viewed the image from about a dozen feet away, the illusory effect disappeared.


Boneman8 said...

I get reds and oranges mixed up. Purples and blues, grays and pinks, greens and browns at times.

In fact, most humanoid life forms appear to me in blob form with 6 eyes, 5 ears, and speak completely monotone.

Unknown said...

That explains so many of my iteractions with boneman.

The 6 eyes, 5 ears, and monotone thing.

Vicki said...

That is just crazy that they are the same colour and yet look blue and green. I have no comment on how Boneman views the world.

Don Hey said...

I believe its called a "red-green colour defficiency" despite the fact that it has little if anything to do with Steve Smith. I have the same condition. The additional symptoms Boneman mentions aren't as severe for me yet but they seem to be coming on with hard living.