Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Student Body Soon To Double

It looks like not only will my Math tutoring pupil continue with me through the summer (albeit our sessions will be reduced from two nights a week down to one), but his younger sister will soon become my second pupil. She's finishing up Grade 5 at the moment and her parents would like me to give her a leg up on next year's Math over the summer. I've been reviewing both the Grade 5 and 6 curricula online (as well as Grade 8, for the original student) so as to be able to do a quick review and then get on to the new stuff with her.

It should be interesting trying to find the appropriate style for a second young mind, who has (I'm told) quite a different personality than her brother. And then think about the professional teachers out there (including Mrs AgileBoy) who have to master the talent of reaching 20 or more kids, all at once. Wow! I can't imagine.

1 comment:

Michael Kernahan said...

Speaking of Mrs Agile Boy ... sounds like pupil #2 is the exact age she teaches.

Feel free to ask for help if you need any with some of the tougher stuff. :-)

I hear there's something called "Grade Six Testing" or something... she might be able to fill you in on that.