Monday, August 30, 2010

Quicksand Fetishists

Just when I think there can't possibly be any more weird things for people to obsess over sexually, our crazy species proves me wrong.

I'm only partway through Slate's Rise and Fall of Quicksand, but I've already encountered people in the article who derive sexual excitement from various activities involving quicksand. That's right: I just put quicksand and sexual excitement in the same sentence.

While I don't have that particular... um, proclivity, I do have an early childhood memory of watching some World War 2 movie on TV that featured one of the characters being caught in quicksand and his friends being unable to pull him out. Scared the crap out of me then, and reading over this article I realized that I've never quite been comfortable with the idea of quicksand ever since. Lucky for me that film-makers have stopped using that particular plot device recently, I guess.

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