Sunday, November 07, 2010

Cat Women

Vicki and Julie are heading to a cat show this afternoon, while I stay home to fight the good fight (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, to warm up for Tuesday's big Call of Duty: Black Ops release). Vicki's been to several before, but this is apparently Julie's first. They started talking about it after we watched Best in Show for one of our Movie Nights, and it just went from there. I'm not sure if they'll also try to find a dog show at some point, as Vicki's not all that much of a dog person. But maybe.

If they return with any awe-inspiring photos, I may post them here later. I just hope they don't come home with fleas!

Update later that day: Not sure if this qualifies as "awe-inspiring", but it's the winner being named for the Kitten category, a "Scottish fold" (which apparently means the ears are folded back, or something like that):

And here are the happy cat show gawkers, when they returned home afterward (sans fleas, as far as I can tell).


tammy said...

How is the CAT in that picture in the kitten category??

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Just big for her/his age?! No idea... I just post what they tell me! (Maybe the sign is wrong, actually.)