Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Working On Work

There are a number of reasons why I haven't posted much here lately - the biggest single contributing factor, honestly, is that I haven't had all that much to say of late - but one of the more interesting causes is: I'm busy making up slides for an Agile 101 workshop that I'm being contracted for by a local company. Nothing's been signed yet, as far as I can tell, but the session does appear to have been approved internally. So now I've begun putting together what I hope to be about two hours of introductory material, to be followed by another couple hours spent on a hands-on activity that I'll be designing to give the attendees some sense of what working in an Agile manner feels like.

Anyway, more details later but in the meantime blogging will likely continue to be light... for a myriad of reasons!

1 comment:

T said...

This actually sounds good Matt. I will try again to bring this to my place of employ.