Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Think This Is Where Castle Came From

Thanks to Peter J on Twitter, I found out about They Fight Crime, a website that generates random "He's a ________. She's a _______. They fight crime!" 'story ideas' at the click of a button. Here are a few examples to give you a taste:

"He's a bookish guitar-strumming matador whom everyone believes is mad. She's an elegant psychic hooker operating on the wrong side of the law. They fight crime!"

"He's an ungodly dishevelled card sharp from the 'hood. She's a bloodthirsty insomniac single mother prone to fits of savage, blood-crazed rage. They fight crime!"

"He's a superhumanly strong sweet-toothed gentleman spy with a passion for fast cars. She's a time-travelling hypochondriac femme fatale in the witness protection scheme. They fight crime!"

I'm pretty sure something like this is responsible for Nathan Fillon's improbably-popular TV show Castle, which probably began life as a pitch along the lines of:

"He's a ruggedly handsome mystery writer with a sarcastic streak and an ex-wife who holds a grudge. She's a hard-as-nails police detective who's secretly looking for love in all the wrong places. They fight crime!"

If only Fillon's Firefly had gotten even half as many viewers when it was on...

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