Sunday, April 03, 2011

The New Arrivals Have Newly Arrived!

Finley (left, feline) and Cooper (right, canine) arrived last night around dinner time, along with their mistress, Julie. The five of us (sans Lucy, who cowered upstairs the whole time) enjoyed a wonderful supper (lasagna for the humans) before sending Julie home to pack for her flight today to South Africa. I then took Cooper for a walk during which Lucy ventured downstairs, ran into Finley, and the two had a bit of a scene involving a lot of hissing, growling, chasing and even some peeing by Lucy, before Vicki separated them and Lucy escaped back upstairs. She hasn't come back down since, but is set up with food, water and litter box up there so we may not see much of her for awhile.

Finley's favourite toy at our house is the circular contraption shown in the photo, which contains a fake mouse on a 360-degree swivel that "runs" around the interior with the slightest provocation. The two "brothers" decided to share the toy for awhile, as they apparently do with anything that interests one or the other.

Now we just have to hope Lucy's not permanently scarred by our guests!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Hahaha oh my - she peed? That's intense. More photos please!