Thursday, April 14, 2011

Off To Save The World Tomorrow

Well, maybe not quite the whole world... but at least a part of it.

I'll be leading an Agile 101 workshop at a local company that's interested in knowing more about Agile. The morning-long session will be split between a presentation (by me) on what Agile is and isn't, and a hands-on exercise where the attendees will be broken into groups that will "go Agile" on an activity for the course of several 20-minute iterations. Vicki and another friend of mine will be helping out with the second part, as we'll need multiple "product owners" for it. It should be interesting to see how this goes. I'll write a little more about it - possibly on the currently-dormant Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan blog - after it's completed. In the meantime, feel free to wish me luck!

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