Wednesday, February 04, 2009

What Tomorrow Brings

We're having our kitchen and family room repainted this week, which means that I'm spending way more time in our basement than I usually do. Today I rearranged my book shelves down there, as my trade paperback/hardcover collection of comic book "stuff" has grown considerably since I last configured the layout, to the point where it was quite out of control. I have now restored order and even left myself room within which to grow, for a few years anyway.

Anyway, one of my goals for tomorrow is to re-read the last couple issues of Final Crisis (#s 6 & 7) in order to see if I can make any more sense of them than I did the first time. To say that the 7th issue was somewhat incomprehensible and thus receiving an utter shit-kicking on the Internet since it appeared a week ago would be like saying that George W. Bush left office last month on a bit of a downer. Before I pass final judgment on Final Crisis, though, I want one more crack at those two most recent editions. After which I'll post my thoughts here, for the three people interested (you know who you are, and how is it that you haven't formed a club yet?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Membership dues