Thursday, June 24, 2010

Heatwave Over? Then It Must Be Time For The A/C To Work Again!

Yes, just as our latest heatwave left town, we managed to get our central air fixed (after several scorchers). In the process, we found that the cooling unit that we had figured was about 20 years old (12 years with us) is actually a very well-preserved 30 years of age!

Later this year we plan to replace Old Faithful, figuring that it probably doesn't owe us (or anyone) a thing by this point. And if it can make it through to September, say, then we may actually have saved up enough cash to pay for its successor. Right now, however, the "house account" cupboard is looking pretty bare.

Now if we could just get the pool heater fixed - again - perhaps life could resume its beautiful arc.

1 comment:

Boneman8 said...

Woo hoo!!