Saturday, June 19, 2010

So Much To Love About This Story

Via Tweeter, I got to read this charming tale about a 12-year-old boy and the trouble he unintentionally caused the FBI, in the 1940s.

Things I enjoyed in this story:
  • the idea of 2 young boys enjoying code-breaking enough to read a book on it and devise their own code
  • the FBI complaining to the mother about how much their investigation of her pre-teen son cost the government
  • the "I actually didn't wear clothes much" line (I'd live in my swimsuit if I could!)
  • the way the child understood the value of $8 at the time ("40 round trips to the beach by streetcar, or 80 admission fees to the movies")
  • the lesson learned about what not to put on a security clearance application
Really good story!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Thanks for sharing. Of course young kids would be into codes and ciphers at that age. Just made me smile!