Monday, October 15, 2007

Increasing My Portability

I did something today that I'd been planning for two months. When I returned to work after my five week vacation, I decided it was time to finally give up my desktop and go "all laptop, all the time." I'd previously resisted this because I had continued to use my PC at my desk, and reserve the laptop for meetings and at home. But after being re-located from one cubicle to another while I was off, and realizing that I'll probably move around more frequently in my current role, I decided to go down to one machine. (I'd already given up every other piece of hardware I ever had.)

So what I did was this: for the last two months, I've used my laptop exclusively. I'd already copied any files I cared about off my desktop my first day back, so I wanted to see if I could go 2 months without needing the other machine. I could, and I did, and so I sent it packing today!

My next interim goal in this category is to get my stuff at work to fit into just one box, and one shelf-on-wheels piece of furniture that I have. Once that's achieved, then I'll be ready to move with almost no notice at all, and be able to pull it off in a half hour or less. Now that's portability!


Anonymous said...

soon they'll just give you the handicap bathroom stall to work out of

Mike Marsman said...

movin' on up to the handicrapper!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Laugh it up, rats! And don't forget to keep runnin' that race!