Sunday, August 16, 2009

This Just About Says It All

Nice to see President Obama hitting all of the right notes:
  • debunking the "Death Panels" scare tactics by describing exactly where they came from and how out of line with reality they really are
  • reminding people that "rationed care" and "denied benefits" are precisely what the status quo is today, not what Health Insurance Reform is designed to bring about
  • calling for reasoned debate in place of the histrionics that the "astroturf" groups are creating
  • encouraging the American people to think in terms of responsibility to each other, for a change
Now if only more people in that wacky country to our south would actually listen to these points instead of running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, the U.S. might finally have a chance to lose their third world status when it comes to health care.

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