Monday, April 06, 2009

Repeat After Me: "This Is Getting Ridiculous!"

It's currently snowing outside. On the 6th of April. Which means that we've now had snow in 7 consecutive months here (Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, and now Apr). I can't ever remember a winter like this, where there was snow on the ground over that wide a stretch (admittedly, with some nice days strewn in near both ends of the period).

I'm now officially very, very, very sick of winter!


cjguerra said...

You can't remember, but you should! I picked a random year on this day: 1982. Check out the data here and you'll see this weather isn't terribly unusual. I think we've been spoiled in the last 10 years with pretty nice springs and warm/dry summers.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

You may be right there, Chris. I've really only paid this much attention to snow since I started riding my bike on a regular basis, which is probably the last 6 or 7 years now.

Anonymous said...

If only it were 1941...