Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I'm doing some research for an article that I'm preparing to write for the AgileMan blog, and I came across this blog post of mine from Jan 2008. It almost seems prophetic now, coming, as it did, about six months before I finally decided that I couldn't put up with any more of the bullshit at work. I have to say that it's nice to read it from my current vantage point of not being in the midst of it anymore; but by the same token, it did manage, for a blessedly brief moment, to bring back a lot of memories, most of them unpleasant.

Looking back, it's sometimes hard to believe that I actually used to put myself through that much frustration on a daily basis, but I guess it was the good stuff - including a lot of very intelligent, dedicated and fun people who filled the rest of my time there - that kept me going that long.

1 comment:

cjguerra said...

I guess that's why I never saw much of you at work ;)

I take it home is much less stressful, except for all the console leveling that you seemed to do :)