Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sinfully Good

While I'm sure that Sin City (the movie) wasn't to everyone's taste, Vicki and I certainly enjoyed it... both on the silver screen as well as the DVD version. But I don't think I'd ever actually seen this particular trailer for it, and it just happens to be all kinds of cool.

I guess, thanks to The Spirit, we now know that, co-direction credit not withstanding, the real hand of the master behind the film version of Sin City belonged to Robert Rodriquez, and not Frank Miller. Frank should probably stick to the comic genre, and - to be honest - maybe even just to the art side of that. His creative choices of late (The Spirit movie, All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder, The Dark Knight Strikes Again!) have all been... well, let's be generous and call them "unusual."

(And thanks to Blog@Newsarama for bringing this trailer to my attention.)

1 comment:

Dan said...

Thanks for posting this trailer, I think it's actually my favourite for the movie. :)