Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's A Recession Good For?

Tammy got a laugh out of my tale of indignation when the accounting firm that does Vicki's (self employment) income taxes each year raised their rates by 6% in 2008 and 5% in 2009. I recently complained about to it the tax accountant who actually does the work, and threatened to have our (accountant) daughter take over the duties in the future if the company was really going to show such blatant disregard for the current economic landscape. My argument was that "the worst recession since the Great Depression" is no time for a rate increase that's so out of whack with the current rate of inflation. (And lest anyone think that I'm hypocritical about this, I encouraged Vicki to accept a slight decrease in her contracting rate two months ago, in recognition of the fact that we're in a deep recession and everyone's having to sacrifice.)

The end of the story is that the accountant said that he would ensure that our rate didn't increase next year. So in addition to possibly finding some good prices on cars, appliances, houses or whatever, perhaps this counts as a minor example of something that's a bit of a silver lining to the dark clouds of our bad economic times? OK, so it doesn't come even close to diminishing the pain of seeing your retirement nest egg shrink by 40% or more, but at least it's something...

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