Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Halo've A Good Time

Tonight, for the first time in several weeks, I played some more Halo 3 in Co-op Mode. McChicken was online and spoiling for a fight (against bad guys) and Vicki was out all evening at a play. So what could be finer than several hours of alien-killing? (Answer: not much that's legal!)

Tonight's lessons included:

- McChicken loves to "accidentally" hit the special weapon deploy button (the X) right in the midst of a firefight, especially when the device in question that he's carrying is a blinding Flare that he can drop at our feet to ensure that we can't see anything for several seconds

- We also discovered that it's possible to be safely behind cover, hit that selfsame special weapon deploy button while you're carrying a GravLift instead, and look up to see your protection as it goes flying through the air to leave you standing completely exposed to enemy fire!

- It turns out the On/Off button on the front of the XBox 360 doesn't double as the Disc Tray Open control, after all, as I learned when I meant to switch CDs but instead turned off my 360 in mid-sentence as we were starting up tonight

- Taking 2 Warthogs out on a mission (one apiece, so that we'll have a spare) sounds like a good plan when you first say it, but after about the fifth or sixth collision with accompanying damage, it probably wasn't all that surprising that both vehicles were totaled within seconds of encountering our first set of enemies

- Sometimes the best way to take out a really large group of powerful bad guys is to have McChicken stand safely back while I kamikaze my way through them, one or two at a time (as McChicken pointed out over the headset, between fits of laughter: it eventually got rather hard to navigate through the battlefield because it was so cluttered with my dead bodies!)

- The Carbine? A damn fine weapon for sniping, when it's in zoom mode!

All in all, a great night of fun was had!

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