Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's All About The Book These Days

Sorry about that, but it just sorta is...

There are so many little details left to do that I don't have much time for anything else at the moment, once I get home from work. Tonight I put the copyright notice in at the front of the Word document and cleaned up the Acknowledgments page that I'd written last night. I'm still acting under the assumption that I may hear a bit more from a couple people who have advance copies of The Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Lessons Learned in Going Agile), but that particular window of opportunity is rapidly closing... so smoke 'em if you got 'em!

Tomorrow night Vicki and I are off to a play so I imagine that I won't get much done then, and Thursday night is Lost Season 4, Episode 5, limiting my time somewhat. But hopefully by Friday evening I'll be ready to dip my big toe into the Lulu pond and see how that goes. Who knows... if the weekend is productive, it could be all over - except the waiting! - by this time next week! And wouldn't that be swell?

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