Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wizard Magazine Does It Again

Many comic fans - including your Humble Blogger - have something of a burr up their ass when it comes to Wizard magazine. For those who don't know, Wizard is a slick promotional periodical for comic books that focuses on whatever its editors consider to be "hot" (or "ultra hot") in the market. It frequently pushes writers, artists and series (or even individual issues) as "the next big thing" and recommends buying up anything related to those phenomena as sure-fire investments.

With that background, you can perhaps appreciate this short article posted on a comic site in which the author points out the irony of a recent Wizard column. In that column, the rag in question lambastes "speculators" for causing the comic industry bust of the mid-90s... apparently oblivious to two facts: their own contribution to said bust, and their continuing efforts in 2008 to duplicate the very same atmospheric conditions that precipitated the 1990s collapse! It displays an amazing lack of self-awareness, unless it was intended to be tongue-in-cheek... but no one's laughing!

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