Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mind Boggling

From the White House blog:

"... until last night, insurance companies in eight states and the District of Columbia could still discriminate against [female] victims by declaring domestic violence a preexisting condition."

That's the sort of thing Republicans were fighting to maintain. If only the Democrats were as effective at getting stuff like this into the limelight as their Conservative counterparts are at spreading misinformation, they might have actually gotten a public option form of Health Care Reform today. As I said to Vicki today, a prime example: people like George Will and Karl Rove spout off that the polls show "a majority of Americans don't support this reform bill" but significantly fail to mention that a non-trivial chunk of that razor-thin majority opposed the bill because it didn't do enough! In other words, some of those people were against it because there was no public option or single payer system in it. Now that the bill has passed and those folks realize that they won't get those better measures anytime soon, they're much more supportive of the changes (and poll numbers have started going up). Those liberal-leaning souls certainly did not want the status quo maintained, no matter how much Republicans tried to spin it that way. The so-called "Right" in the U.S. are unquestionably the masters of misinformation!

Oh, and to any American who claims that his or her country can't afford to provide universal health care to its own citizens? You're one of the richest nations in the world! You not only can afford it, but you ought to be ashamed that it's taken this long to provide it while business executives take home millions in bonuses after having driven the world economy into the crapper over the past several years.

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