Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Challenge Of The Empty Page

A lot went on today, providing me with several juicy-ripe blogging topics, right there at the tips of my fingers. Occasionally it's tough to think of something to write about here - though I try diligently to post at least once a day, and have been doing so for over a year - but today's challenge is to decide between too many!

I didn't have a particularly enjoyable half hour with the six Grade 9 students who came into the office for the annual "Take Your Kid To Work" Day. Why was I spending thirty minutes with them? Because I was asked to, as the Agile Manager, and that's probably all you need to know in order to fill in the blanks on that particular episode!

I bought the boss' Christmas gift today (I always aim to have my Christmas shopping done by November 25th each year, and... tick tock!) but of course if I revealed what it was here, there's about a 1% chance he might read about it, and a 99% chance that someone else would read it and proceed to tell him. So mum's the word on that, for now.

The latest in what currently seems like an endless series of Story Point workshops happened this afternoon. (On the same day as the Grade 9 Adventure... what was I thinking? If you figure that one out, please let me know!) Tomorrow I'll spend the day writing up the notes from it (among other things) but a few really interesting things occurred. Since I may end up blogging about them on the work site, I probably shouldn't make extra work for myself by talking about it here. Aw, screw it, it's only typing!

First, we had the question asked early in the session, "Why can't we adopt a uniform Story Point size across all teams?" This has been inquired into so many times since we started using Story Points that I've lost count. It's a reasonable question, especially if you're not reading and thinking about this stuff a lot, so I always do my best to answer it patiently and carefully. It helps that I can quote Agile expert Mike Cohn, who warns against the use of a "Gold Standard" for Story Points. But my bottom line is always that teams won't accept size units that they haven't had some part in establishing themselves. That's what I've read; that's what I've seen. So I always say that, get some doubtful looks, and then grudging compliance (or at least, no further overt pressing of the issue). What makes this a funny story, though, is what transpired later in the session.

To make today's session more "intermediate" than the "intro" version I'd done months ago, the format was changed such that a pre-existing backlog of Story Pointed features and bugs already exist, and the groups are initially just Story Pointing a small number of new items, using the backlog sizes as their guide. This allows them to only spend 40 - 50 minutes building up a few items instead of 90 - 120 minutes sizing a much larger set, and also gives them experience akin to what someone who's added to an existing Feature Team deals with: learning the existing Story Point sizes. What surprised me was just how quickly, and how vocally, one of the two groups (made up mostly of Program Managers) objected to the previous Story Point values in their backlog! They came right out and said, "We think some of those backlog Story Point sizes are wrong! How can we use them as a base if they're wrong?" And these were some of the same people who, an hour or so earlier, had asked why we can't just adopt one uniform set of Story Points and force every team to use them! The irony was almost too much for me!

Noteworthy event number two involved a scenario in which the two of us leading the session, and playing the Product Owner part, mirrored some recent events and applied mock pressure to our groups to bring their schedules in (find a way to deliver the same features in less time). This is sometimes the national pastime in our world, it seems, and so it made sense to simulate that atmosphere for this collection of management and non-management types. Within minutes, in a scene that reminded me of that well-documented psychology experiment where mild-mannered folks were set up in a phony prison and those playing the guards became merciless tormentors, one of our two groups of participants lunged straight toward the "what if we reduce our quality?" angle. I would've done a spit-take if I'd had a drink handy! It must be almost reflexive, the urge to say "we can get things done sooner if we don't worry about quality." When I asked for an actual example, from the past year or two, of us taking that approach and having it result in us achieving our goal, the closest I got was an instance where manual testing was done instead of setting up automated tests. I can buy that (cheaper in the short run) but that's not really what the group in the session meant by "lowering the quality." They were clearly indicating that they'd simply do less testing and hand over their features earlier (meaning the customers would find most of their bugs).

Yes, it was quite the day. I learned some stuff, and didn't kill anyone. At least I don't think I did. It was a bit of a blur, after all!

(Oh, and at least one of the regular visitors to this blog was in that workshop with me, so he should feel more than welcome to correct any misrepresentations I've made here, or to add his own observations. I can hardly wait!)


Mike Marsman said...

Heh - I would have paid good money to see your session with all of the niners!

Yes, I was part of the group that suggested "dropping the quality" in order to meet the imposed deadline. Kind of ironic if you consider my pedigree ;)

I think part of the problem was that the group wasn't exactly taking that part of the exercise as seriously, probably in part due to the angst we had during the initial forecasting part - having NO velocity (real, failed, imaginary or otherwise) to help guide us. I think we could have used with some Agile Coaching.

I too was a little surprised when we agreed to go with the scenario where we chose to drop quality in order to bring things in - I may even be guilty of being the one to suggest it! It definitely "felt" like we knew we were doing the wrong thing. We were doing it under the threat of essentially going out of business if we didn't find that magic cure - it kind of "felt" like we had no other choice! I'm glad we did chose that route, though, because I think it did illustrate how much of a cheat/cop-out that the "let's cut on quality" answer is - especially in comparison to the way the other group went.

If we had felt a little more ownership over our product, we may have been more likely to not go that route.

I do think you are on to something by including forecasting as key to the "intermediate" step - and I think having a group go the bad route of skimping on quality, in comparison to a different group that didn't, illustrated a valuable point worth repeating.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree with Mike on this one, as I was in the same group as he was. Even though it felt wrong while doing it, we still buckled under the mock pressure and ended up opting for a lesser quality product.

Having worked with several teams, and having been though countless forecasts and story pointing sessions it was interesting to see how we felt when the shoe was on the other foot!

Boneman8 said...

Why didn't this group drop anchor and say, "No way!"

Anonymous said...

At least you don't live in a world where the decision to drop quality has been made several times months ago... And you're still stuck playing catch-up. Now that little knot of pain you feel in the pit of your stomache? Yeah, now you're starting to feel it.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

AgileBoy, have you been getting into my secret stash again? I told you to stay out of that stuff until you're older!