Sunday, July 06, 2008

And So Another Vacation Ends

It was a full-filled afternoon today as we had the boss and his family over for a swim and dinner, and his wife and kids are always terrific to spend time with! I love it when children "get" and appreciate my unique sense of humour, and this particular trio always have, over the many years that we've known them... or maybe they're just always being kind!

It's depressing to think about heading back into work tomorrow, but I've been trying to cheer myself up by focusing on the positives:

- it looks like a good week for cycling, and I definitely missed that during my week off

- our very own AgileBoy is moving into the leadership ranks, and watching that play out should be amusing, if nothing else (just kidding: I have every reason to believe that he's going to do great!)

- I'll be getting my own "apprentice" in the form of another new leader, and I'm looking forward to getting to know him better (hey, Jamie!) as well as being able to offload some of my work so that I can succeed a little more at the rest of it!

- I have a bunch of strategic initiatives that I want to get going with my teams and I'm somehow going to find the time to start making that happen

- I hope to start writing the AgileMan sequel soon, and that may have a buoyant effect on my spirit!

One way or another, though, it's back to work for me tomorrow. Sigh.


Boneman8 said...

Welcome back!!

Unknown said...

Using quotes on "apprentice" really gives that line a Jedi feel.

Looking forward to working with you as your "apprentice".

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

"Always two there are; no more, no less: a master and an apprentice." -Yoda