Saturday, July 26, 2008

California Dreaming

News from the San Diego Comic Con continues to roll out of the West Coast. For me personally, the most exciting announcement so far has been that Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Scriver will be doing a Barry Allen miniseries, Flash: Rebirth. Considering how good their Hal Jordan version (Green Lantern: Rebirth) was a few years ago, this could be amazing.

Potentially interesting is the news that Kevin Smith's returning to comics with a Batman miniseries featuring Smith's quirky villain, Onomatapoeia. (The bad guy only says words that imitate the sound of his actions, like "snap", "bang" or "buzz.")

There have also been reports out of panels involving TV shows Lost and Heroes, with the latter containing spoilers aplenty for the upcoming season premiere (so beware!)

If you've somehow managed to avoid hearing anything out of San Diego this weekend, then you most definitely travel in different (Internet) circles than I do...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, somehow I missed all news of SD!