Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Time For A Sequel?

One of the things that I did yesterday was to sit by the pool and jot down potential topics for a 2nd AgileMan book. I figured, as I'd done prior to starting the first book, that if I couldn't come up with 30+ good topics off the top of my head, then chances were that I didn't really have enough material to fill a book. Yesterday, as was the case back in August of last year, I came up with a big enough list, fairly easily.

So, uh.... Game on?

Also, I floated a potential title past Vicki to see how she'd react. With The Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Lessons Learned in Going Agile), I knew exactly what I wanted the book to be called right from the start, and never doubted that it was the right title for it, even as others questioned it. (Those who've since read it may - or may not - now agree with me on that choice.) I don't yet have that kind of conviction toward the new title that I'm batting around for the sequel, but it's starting to grow on me. Here it is, for your consideration:

More Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Year Two: Easier Said Than Done)

I suspect that, given the way the 2nd year has gone, the sequel may in fact be an even less welcome reflection than the first book was, among those who don't really believe in open and honest communication. Or maybe I'm not giving them enough credit. Only time will tell, I guess.


Anonymous said...

Well so long as you don't call it "Shattered Dreams and Burnt Bridges"


Anonymous said...

i think it's good although it still does seem so soon for a sequel, given the turnaround time of the last one (short)

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Don't worry, Tammy: I still have to write the book, a process that took about 4 or 5 months, last time. So it's not like the sequel is about to come out!