Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Day Spent Talking About Project Management

Vicki and I sat by the pool today and threw around ideas for what she could cover in a university lecture session about Project Management, and then what I'd talk about. We both owed the professor who asked us to provide guest lectures for his Computer Science course on Project Management some sort of material, and I'd been feeling bad that we hadn't gotten him anything yet. So today we spitballed a couple of overviews and sent them his way. We'll see what comes of it.

I've also been thinking of other things to try, once I have the free time. Would I like tutoring students in Grade 9 Math? Would I be brave enough - not to mention qualified enough - to be able to instruct a course of some sort at our community college? Vicki and I have a friend who counsels students at the university, and she mentioned that she thought that I'd be good at that! Crazy idea, or something I should consider? And in all scenarios, it's very nice indeed that I'm not having to restrict myself to opportunities that pay well! A little bit of money would do the trick just fine, I think.

I suppose that I need to get my resume up to date, at the very least. It's turned out to be quite the potpourri of experiences that I've had over the past 22 years, so that should be an interesting challenge to capture in just 2 pages of a Word document. And then of course I have to figure out where and to whom to submit that collection of acronyms and buzzwords, if anything's ever to come of it. Ah, such fun!

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