Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ode To AgileMan

This week is only 40% complete and I've already had several people offer up evaluations of various types on my two year run as Agile Manager at work. Some have been heart-warming testimonials, others critical analyses, but all are naturally making me even more reflective than I'm already inclined to be.

I'm getting the impression that I affected - for good or for ill - more people than I ever appreciated. And the fact that I feel a much greater affinity to the people "below" me than those "above" me (in Org Chart terms) probably has something to do with it, and no doubt means that I've broken some cardinal sin of management in the process. Somehow I think I can live with that faux pas, though...

Anyway, just three more days to go at the current job and then it's on to I really don't know what. Oh, and I've now sold 8 additional copies of The Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Lessons Learned in Going Agile) since announcing my resignation. Drama sells?

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