Wednesday, August 13, 2008

E-Mail Withdrawal

While I was working, I'd receive an average of somewhere between 400 and 600 e-mails each workday, and probably anywhere from 50 to 200 over the weekend. That was including all work-related messages and any personal stuff. Since my last day, I've averaged about 5 e-mails a day, with the current volume - after the initial burst of activity right around my last day - being more like 1 to 3 per day.

If you do the math, that means I'm down about 99%!! While cause for great joy in most ways - like how much time I've recovered in my day, just from not having to read so many e-mails - there's also an undeniable feeling of loss over not feeling so connected anymore. I mean: don't I matter anymore?

I'm sure I'll get over it, though, somehow... ;-)

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