Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Goal Orientation

Today's goal, once the laptop arrived, was to get it up to the point where I could do the common daily activities that I'd grown accustomed to doing on my work laptop... minus the reading of work e-mail (which was the thing I did the most of, unfortunately!) I still have lots of software to install on it, like Microsoft Office, but that'll happen incrementally, over the next little while.

Tomorrow's goal is to replace our several-year-old router with something that will hopefully address the utter flakiness that my basement PC is experiencing in staying connected to the Internet, improve Vicki's current crappy Internet experience on her PC, while maintaining good performance for my new laptop, XBox 360 and PS/3. Seems like a tall order, but I've already confirmed that the Linksys model I've ordered is on the Compatible list for XBox Live, so that's something...

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